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Small DB engine 2
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748 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "clsRecordset"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
' class_name : clsRecordset
' class_version : v. 1.0.0
' app_name and version : Small Database Engine v. 2
' class_description : this class search for number
' of rows that match query, read
' selected row from file
Option Explicit
'opened file
Private ffDB As Integer
'last position, position of first data, pos of last data
Private last_pos As Long, first_start As Long, last_start As Long, last_id As Long, id_col As Integer
'step big, med, small
'Private stp_big As Long, stp_med As Long, stp_small As Long
'records count, columns count, current_row
Private record_cnt As Long, column_cnt As Long, curr_row As Long
'if there is <>
Private skip_row As Long
'all records in table
Private tbl_recs As Long
'other data from clsDatabase
Private strSql As String, haveWhere As Boolean
'selected columns
Private msel_cols() As Integer
'columns, values and operators in where statment
Private colIndex_arr() As Integer, val_arr() As String, operator_arr() As String, condOper_arr() As String
'to store row fields
Private fileds_arr() As String
'indexed columns and char index positions
Private ind_cols() As Integer, chrInd_pos() As Long
'positions of columns that should not be in recordest
Private dontUse_arr() As Long
'position of columns that match query if we using muliple condition seach
Private use_arr() As Long, readFrom_arr As Boolean
'position in file of current record (need if we use recordset for
' deleting)
Private currRec_pos As Long
Private is_delete As Boolean
Private r_data As row_data, prev_row As Long, tmp_row As Long
Private ind_data As srch_indexes, prev_ind As Long, first_ind As Long
Private tmp_rowData As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, c As Integer, lastS As Integer
Dim i1 As Integer
' friend properties
'opened db file number
Friend Property Let db_FileNumber(ByVal nV As Integer)
ffDB = nV
End Property
'last position in file
Friend Property Let db_LastPosition(ByVal nV As Long)
last_pos = nV
prev_row = nV
End Property
'last id
Friend Property Let db_LastID(ByVal nV As Long)
last_id = nV
End Property
'id column index
Friend Property Let db_idCol(ByVal nV As Integer)
id_col = nV
End Property
'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ steps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'Friend Property Let db_StepBig(ByVal nV As Long)
' stp_big = nV
'End Property
'Friend Property Let db_StepMed(ByVal nV As Long)
' stp_med = nV
'End Property
'Friend Property Let db_StepSmall(ByVal nV As Long)
' stp_small = nV
'End Property
Friend Property Let tbl_records(ByVal nV As Long)
tbl_recs = nV
End Property
'sql query
Friend Property Let str_sql(ByVal nV As String)
strSql = nV
End Property
'is there what statment in query
Friend Property Let have_where(ByVal nV As Boolean)
haveWhere = nV
End Property
'is there what statment in query
Friend Property Let isForDelete(ByVal nV As Boolean)
is_delete = nV
End Property
'if we need record position to delete it
Friend Property Get RecordPosition() As Long
RecordPosition = currRec_pos
End Property
' friend subs/functions
Friend Sub set_arrs(ByRef sel_cols() As Integer, ByRef col_ind() As Integer, _
ByRef cnd_vals() As String, ByRef cnd_oper() As String, ByRef oper2() As String, _
indexedCols_arr() As Integer, charIndexes_pos() As Long)
msel_cols = sel_cols
colIndex_arr() = col_ind
val_arr() = cnd_vals
operator_arr() = cnd_oper
condOper_arr() = oper2
'redim array that store row fields
ReDim fileds_arr(UBound(msel_cols))
column_cnt = UBound(msel_cols) + 1
ind_cols = indexedCols_arr
chrInd_pos = charIndexes_pos
End Sub
' search for results count
Friend Sub result_count()
readFrom_arr = False
prev_ind = -1
skip_row = 0
'if there is no WHERE wuery
If haveWhere = False Then
record_cnt = tbl_recs
first_start = last_pos
'if searching by primary key only
ElseIf UBound(colIndex_arr) = 0 And colIndex_arr(0) = id_col Then
'if search in one column but this isn't primary key column
ElseIf UBound(colIndex_arr) = 0 And colIndex_arr(0) <> id_col Then
'if searching by primary key only, but 2 conditions
ElseIf UBound(colIndex_arr) = 1 And colIndex_arr(0) = id_col And colIndex_arr(1) = id_col Then
Dim rec1 As Long, rec2 As Long
Dim pos1 As Long, pos2 As Long
Dim tmp_last1 As Long, tmp_last2 As Long
'search first condition
search_primKey 0
pos1 = first_start
rec1 = record_cnt
tmp_last1 = last_start
'search second condition
search_primKey 1
pos2 = first_start
rec2 = record_cnt
tmp_last2 = last_start
'get where starts first and last row in file
If pos1 < pos2 Then
first_start = pos1
first_start = pos2
End If
If tmp_last1 > tmp_last2 Then
last_start = tmp_last1
last_start = tmp_last2
End If
'get unused records if looking for <
If Trim(operator_arr(0)) = "<" Then
rec1 = tbl_recs - rec1
End If
If Trim(operator_arr(1)) = "<" Then
rec2 = tbl_recs - rec2
End If
'get record sount
If Trim(operator_arr(0)) <> Trim(operator_arr(1)) Then
record_cnt = Abs(rec1 - rec2)
If rec1 < rec2 Then
record_cnt = rec1
first_start = pos1
record_cnt = rec2
first_start = pos2
End If
End If
'if there is any other contition idCol='val' AND/OR col2='val2'...
search_muliple 0
readFrom_arr = True
End If
End Sub
' search by muliple condition
Private Sub search_muliple(Optional arrInd1 As Integer = 0)
'results positions
Dim tmp_res() As Long ' (number of columns to check, number of rows that match)
Dim col_res() As Long ' number of rows for each column
Dim tmp_res2() As Long, tmp_arr1() As Long
Dim tmp_cnt As Long
Dim i As Integer, z As Integer, j As Long, last_val As Long
Dim tmp_isForDel As Boolean
ReDim tmp_res(UBound(colIndex_arr), 1000)
ReDim col_res(UBound(colIndex_arr))
last_val = 1000
'set is for delete to True to avoid parsing row fields and
' get faster execute
tmp_isForDel = is_delete
isForDelete = True
tmp_cnt = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(colIndex_arr)
If colIndex_arr(i) = id_col Then
search_primKey (i)
'move to first record that match query
If record_cnt > 0 Then
For j = 0 To record_cnt - 1
'if we need to increse array size
If j > last_val Then
last_val = last_val + 1000
ReDim Preserve tmp_res(UBound(colIndex_arr), last_val)
End If
'save position of record
tmp_res(i, j) = RecordPosition
'increse number of records that match query for current row
col_res(i) = col_res(i) + 1
'move to next record
Next j
End If
search_IndexedRow (i)
If record_cnt > 0 Then
'move to first record that match query
For j = 0 To record_cnt - 1
'if we need to increse array size
If j > last_val Then
last_val = last_val + 1000
ReDim Preserve tmp_res(UBound(colIndex_arr), last_val)
End If
'save position of record
tmp_res(i, j) = RecordPosition
'increse number of records that match query for current row
col_res(i) = col_res(i) + 1
'move to next record
Next j
End If
End If
tmp_cnt = tmp_cnt + last_val
Next i
'restore is for delete
isForDelete = tmp_isForDel
ReDim tmp_res2(tmp_cnt)
tmp_cnt = 0
'number of AND/OR operators
For z = 0 To UBound(condOper_arr)
ReDim tmp_arr1(col_res(z + 1))
For j = 0 To col_res(z + 1) - 1
tmp_arr1(j) = tmp_res(z + 1, j)
Next j
'whatch column name before operator and after operator ''''number of columns to check
For i = 0 To 1 'UBound(colIndex_arr)
'number of results for current column
For j = 0 To col_res(z + i) - 1
'select operator ( AND / OR )
Select Case Trim(condOper_arr(z))
Case "AND", "and"
If isInArrLng(tmp_res2, tmp_res(z, j)) <> True Then
If isInArrLng(tmp_arr1, tmp_res(z, j)) = True Then
tmp_res2(tmp_cnt) = tmp_res(z, j)
tmp_cnt = tmp_cnt + 1
End If
End If
If j = col_res(z + i) - 1 Then GoTo exitCh
Case "OR", "or"
'MsgBox tmp_res(i, j) & vbCrLf & i
If isInArrLng(tmp_res2, tmp_res(z + i, j)) <> True Then
tmp_res2(tmp_cnt) = tmp_res(z + i, j)
tmp_cnt = tmp_cnt + 1
End If
End Select
Next j
Next i
Next z
record_cnt = tmp_cnt
If tmp_cnt > 0 Then
ReDim use_arr(tmp_cnt - 1)
For i = 0 To tmp_cnt - 1
use_arr(i) = tmp_res2(i)
Next i
End If
'free memory
Erase col_res
Erase tmp_res
Erase tmp_res2
Erase tmp_arr1
End Sub
' search by indexed row
Private Sub search_IndexedRow(Optional arrInd1 As Integer = 0)
Dim i As Integer
Dim tmp_int As Long
Dim ret_pos As Long
Erase dontUse_arr
tmp_int = -1
For i = 0 To UBound(ind_cols)
If ind_cols(i) = colIndex_arr(arrInd1) Then
tmp_int = colIndex_arr(arrInd1)
End If
Next i
'get position of char indexes
For i = 0 To UBound(ind_cols)
If tmp_int = ind_cols(i) Then
tmp_int = chrInd_pos(i)
Exit For
End If
Next i
If tmp_int < 0 Then Exit Sub
'get position of first index
loadIndex ffDB, val_arr(arrInd1), tmp_int, ret_pos
record_cnt = 0
If Trim(operator_arr(arrInd1)) = "=" Then
'count records
Do While ret_pos > 0
Get #ffDB, ret_pos, ind_data
'if index contain pointer to row that match query
If ind_data.fld_data = val_arr(arrInd1) Then
'read row
Get #ffDB, ind_data.fld_row, r_data
'check is deleted
If r_data.row_using = "+" Then
'save position of first record
If record_cnt = 0 Then
first_start = ind_data.fld_row
prev_ind = ret_pos ' ind_data.prev_index
End If
'save current position as last position and do this
' for each record that match query (because we dont know
' realy what record is last
last_start = ret_pos
'insrease record count
record_cnt = record_cnt + 1
End If
End If
ret_pos = ind_data.prev_index
ElseIf Trim(operator_arr(arrInd1)) = "<>" Then
'count records
Do While ret_pos > 0
Get #ffDB, ret_pos, ind_data
'if index contain pointer to row that match query
If ind_data.fld_data = val_arr(arrInd1) Then
'read row
Get #ffDB, ind_data.fld_row, r_data
'check is deleted
If r_data.row_using = "+" Then
ReDim Preserve dontUse_arr(record_cnt)
dontUse_arr(record_cnt) = ind_data.fld_row
record_cnt = record_cnt + 1
End If
End If
ret_pos = ind_data.prev_index
first_start = last_pos
prev_ind = -1
record_cnt = tbl_recs - record_cnt
End If
End Sub
' search only by primary key
Private Sub search_primKey(Optional arrInd1 As Integer = 0)
record_cnt = 0
If Trim(operator_arr(arrInd1)) = "=" Then
prev_row = last_pos
Do While prev_row > 0
Get ffDB, prev_row, r_data
'if we are on step row then move to prevous because it's pointer is to himself
If (r_data.row_id Mod 50000 = 0 Or r_data.row_id Mod 10000 = 0 Or r_data.row_id Mod 1000 = 0) And r_data.row_id <> val_arr(arrInd1) Then
prev_row = r_data.row_prev
'MsgBox prev_row & vbCrLf & r_data.step_med
'checking what jump we can do
If r_data.row_id - 50000 > val_arr(arrInd1) Then
prev_row = r_data.step_big
ElseIf r_data.row_id - 10000 > val_arr(arrInd1) Then
prev_row = r_data.step_med
ElseIf r_data.row_id - 1000 > val_arr(arrInd1) Then
prev_row = r_data.step_small
'if we find record
ElseIf r_data.row_id = val_arr(arrInd1) Then
'and if record is not deleted
If r_data.row_using = "+" Then
record_cnt = 1
first_start = prev_row
last_start = prev_row
Exit Sub
'but if this record is deleted then record count
' is 0
record_cnt = 0
Exit Sub
End If
prev_row = r_data.row_prev
End If
End If
ElseIf Trim(operator_arr(arrInd1)) = "<" Then
prev_row = last_pos
last_start = 0
record_cnt = 0
Do While prev_row > 0
Get ffDB, prev_row, r_data
'if we are on step row then move to prevous because it's pointer is to himself
If (r_data.row_id Mod 50000 = 0 Or r_data.row_id Mod 10000 = 0 Or r_data.row_id Mod 1000 = 0) And r_data.row_id <> val_arr(arrInd1) Then
prev_row = r_data.row_prev
'checking what jump we can do
If r_data.row_id - 50000 > val_arr(arrInd1) Then
prev_row = r_data.step_big
ElseIf r_data.row_id - 10000 > val_arr(arrInd1) Then
prev_row = r_data.step_med
ElseIf r_data.row_id - 1000 > val_arr(arrInd1) Then
prev_row = r_data.step_small
'if we find record
ElseIf r_data.row_id < val_arr(arrInd1) Then
If r_data.row_using = "+" Then
record_cnt = record_cnt + 1
If record_cnt = 1 Then first_start = prev_row
'Exit Sub
End If
prev_row = r_data.row_prev
prev_row = r_data.row_prev
End If
End If
ElseIf Trim(operator_arr(arrInd1)) = ">" Then
prev_row = last_pos
first_start = prev_row
record_cnt = 0
Do While prev_row > 0
Get ffDB, prev_row, r_data
If r_data.row_id > val_arr(arrInd1) Then
If r_data.row_using = "+" Then
record_cnt = record_cnt + 1
last_start = prev_row
End If
prev_row = r_data.row_prev
Exit Sub
End If
ElseIf Trim(operator_arr(arrInd1)) = "<>" Then
prev_row = last_pos
last_start = 0
Do While prev_row > 0
Get ffDB, prev_row, r_data
'if we are on step row then move to prevous because it's pointer is to himself
If (r_data.row_id Mod 50000 = 0 Or r_data.row_id Mod 10000 = 0 Or r_data.row_id Mod 1000 = 0) And r_data.row_id <> val_arr(arrInd1) Then
prev_row = r_data.row_prev
'checking what jump we can do
If r_data.row_id - 50000 > val_arr(arrInd1) Then
prev_row = r_data.step_big
ElseIf r_data.row_id - 10000 > val_arr(arrInd1) Then
prev_row = r_data.step_med
ElseIf r_data.row_id - 1000 > val_arr(arrInd1) Then
prev_row = r_data.step_small
'if we find record
ElseIf r_data.row_id = val_arr(arrInd1) Then
If r_data.row_using = "+" Then
record_cnt = tbl_recs - 1
skip_row = prev_row
first_start = last_pos
Exit Sub
End If
prev_row = r_data.row_prev
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
' load data from file
Friend Sub set_arr(ByVal data_index As Long, Optional arrInd1 As Integer = 0)
'find and read selected row
'if search is not by indexed row
'if we have positions of selected columns in array
If readFrom_arr = True Then
If record_cnt > 0 Then
If data_index <= UBound(use_arr) Then
Get ffDB, use_arr(data_index), r_data
'curr_row = data_index + 1
tmp_rowData = r_data.row_contain
End If
End If
'if searching by primary key
ElseIf prev_ind = -1 Then
Do While curr_row <= data_index
'tmp_row = prev_row
If prev_row = 0 Then Exit Do
Get ffDB, prev_row, r_data
'if not deleted then save it
If r_data.row_using = "+" And skip_row <> prev_row Then
If isInArrLng(dontUse_arr, prev_row) <> True Then
'save row fields
If curr_row = data_index Then
tmp_rowData = r_data.row_contain
currRec_pos = prev_row
prev_row = r_data.row_prev
Exit Do
End If
curr_row = curr_row + 1
If curr_row > record_cnt Or curr_row <= last_start Then Exit Sub
End If
End If
prev_row = r_data.row_prev
If prev_ind = 0 Then Exit Sub
Do While prev_ind > 0
'read index
Get ffDB, prev_ind, ind_data
'If ind_data.fld_data = val_arr(arrInd1) Then
'find row pointer
prev_row = ind_data.fld_row
'check does current index data match query
If ind_data.fld_data = val_arr(arrInd1) Then
'if this row is not in dont use arr
If isInArrLng(dontUse_arr, prev_row) <> True Then
Get ffDB, prev_row, r_data
'check is row deleted
If r_data.row_using = "+" Then
tmp_rowData = r_data.row_contain
prev_ind = ind_data.prev_index
currRec_pos = prev_row
'curr_row = curr_row + 1
GoTo exitCheck
End If
End If
End If
'End If
prev_ind = ind_data.prev_index
End If
'if searching by primary key
'End If
'if we using recordet for deleting then we only need record position
' we don't need to parse columns values
If is_delete <> True Then
j = 0
k = 1
c = 0
i1 = 0
Do While k > 0
'each value is in ' ', so we searching for '
k = InStr(k, tmp_rowData, "'")
If k > 0 Then
c = c + 1
If c = 2 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(msel_cols)
'when we find start and end of data, read data and save
If msel_cols(i) = j Then
fileds_arr(i1) = Mid(tmp_rowData, lastS, k - lastS)
i1 = i1 + 1
End If
Next i
'MsgBox fileds_arr(j)
c = 0
j = j + 1
lastS = k + 1
End If
k = k + 1
End If
End If
End Sub
' public properties
'get row count
Public Property Get Rows() As Long
Rows = record_cnt
End Property
'get column count
Public Property Get Columns() As Long
Columns = column_cnt
End Property
'get current row
Public Property Get CurrentRow() As Long
CurrentRow = curr_row
End Property
'get data of selected field
Public Property Get Fields(ByVal fld_index As Long) As String
Fields = fileds_arr(fld_index)
End Property
'get current row
Public Property Get IsEOF() As Boolean
If curr_row >= record_cnt - 1 Then
IsEOF = True
IsEOF = False
End If
End Property
' public functions
'go to first row
Public Function MoveFirst()
prev_row = first_start
curr_row = 0
set_arr 0
End Function
'go to last row
Public Function MoveLast()
set_arr record_cnt - 1
End Function
'go to next row
Public Function MoveNext()
curr_row = curr_row + 1
If curr_row > record_cnt Then
Err.Raise 380, "clsRecordset"
End If
set_arr curr_row
End Function
'go to prev row
Public Function MovePrevious()
Dim tmp_curr As Long
If curr_row = 0 Then
Err.Raise 380, "clsRecordset"
End If
prev_ind = first_ind
prev_row = first_start
tmp_curr = curr_row - 1
curr_row = 0
set_arr tmp_curr
End Function
'move to row
Public Function MoveToRow(ByVal row_index As Long)
If row_index < 0 Or row_index > record_cnt Then
Err.Raise 380, "clsRecordset"
If row_index > curr_row Then
'curr_row = row_index
set_arr row_index
ElseIf row_index < curr_row Then
prev_ind = first_ind
prev_row = first_start
curr_row = 0
set_arr row_index
End If
End If
End Function
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
'free memory
Erase colIndex_arr
Erase val_arr
Erase operator_arr
Erase condOper_arr
Erase fileds_arr
Erase ind_cols
Erase chrInd_pos
Erase dontUse_arr
Erase use_arr
End Sub